Catholic Match

In today’s society, it might be challenging to find love if you’re a single Catholic and you’re looking for a partner, especially if your faith is important to you. You may be quite certain that everyone you meet at Mass will have the same spiritual beliefs as you, but how can you tell if they are single or in the market for a partner? And outside from the church, it’s difficult to know what other single people you meet at work, school, a bar, or anywhere else are thinking about your relationship status.

We are thankful that our most recent review of Catholic Match led us to the discovery of an excellent resource for the pursuit of faith-based romantic partnerships. However, do you feel that Catholic Match is the best option for you? Is it a suitable location to meet Catholic singles looking for a relationship? Should you give it a shot?

You have arrived to the perfect location to obtain answers to all of those questions and many others like them. Stay here and continue reading the rest of our straightforward and comprehensive review of Catholic Match today.

The Crux of the Matter Up Front — Is a Legit Website in 2022?

So, without further ado, let me fill you in on Catholic Match. Our reviewers were impressed by this dating app since it offered suitable matches, reasonable prices, and a site that was extremely simple to operate. People who take their religious beliefs very seriously, as well as those who are just somewhat involved in the life of their local church, can benefit much from it.

The overall rating for Catholic Match was 9.5 out of 10. If you are seeking for a relationship that is centered on your Catholic values and practices, then we think you will love a lot to like about our site.

This site is not going to be a good fit for you if your faith does not mean very much to you or if you are not even Catholic in the first place. However, we are going to assume that you were already aware of it based on the name:)

  • The most significant advantage is that there is a large number of Catholic singles available in all parts of the nation. Additionally, the site has the support of a number of prominent Catholic leaders, which is a really good plus point.
  • The most significant limitation is that it is only suitable for people who are seeking for other singles who share their Catholic faith. Even if you consider yourself to be Catholic but the other person in the relationship doesn’t care about religion at all, it’s not going to work out.

In a nutshell, the site is user-friendly, well-designed, and packed with several features that may assist you in meeting other Catholic singles and forming relationships with them. And despite the fact that we have a lot of faith in ourselves, you shouldn’t take our word for it! Follow the link provided below to sign up for a free trial account on Catholic Match and conduct your own personal review of the service. You will have the ability to immediately discover who else in your region is using the site, which will allow you to determine whether or not it will be a suitable match for you.

Comprehensive Evaluation of Catholic Match

  • 9.7 out of 10 for Quality Matches
  • Features 9.5/10.0
  • 9.7 out of 10 for Ease of Use
  • Support 9.9/10.0
  • Cost 10.0/10.0

Overall 9.5/10.0

Examining the Positives and Negatives of the Catholic Match Dating App


  • Registering is really fast and simple.
  • Attempt it for free to see potential matches (use link below)
  • Grounded with and oriented on religious belief
  • Supported by well-known members of the Catholic Church


  • Users with free accounts are unable to respond to messages.
  • A decrease in the number of users in more rural and small town locations.

We were instantly engulfed in a slideshow of successful matches and marriages that had sprouted from the site when we initially started our review of Catholic Match. It is always a good when you can see that a dating app cares about the success of its members—and has the results to back it up. Too frequently, websites focus excessively on flashy features that are just appealing to the ear, and they lose sight of the fact that their primary objective is to assist people in finding love.

The bottom line, as you can probably already see, is that similar to what we discovered with Catholic Match, in other words. We strongly suggest that you first give our comprehensive review of Catholic Match a few minutes of your time, and then sign up for a free trial of the service so that you may experience it for yourself.

Now, let’s chat about Catholic Match, shall we? It’s fantastic to notice straight away that the site is backed by a TON of well-known people within the Catholic faith, especially considering that the site is geared specifically for Catholic singles looking for love. Not only is this a reassuring indication that the site has its priorities in the right place, but it also earns them a significant amount of kudos in things of the confidence and dependability that they have earned from their users.

During the course of our review of Catholic Match, we discovered that the website does an excellent job of distinguishing itself as the site of choice for Catholic singles who are interested in dating online. Because it is operated by a small group of people from a small town, the firm has a deep understanding of the challenges faced by individuals who are interested in dating partners who respect their religious goals and demands.

If you are seeking for love and maintaining your religious beliefs are something that are essential to you, then you should check out Catholic Match right now. This is the most crucial takeaway from our review.

“Saint Raphael the Archangel, the patron saint of Catholic singles, good meets, and healings, watches over,” the website states.

A Few Quick Facts Regarding Catholic Match

  • The name of this website is Catholic Match
  • Address of the website:
  • Paid or Free: Free trial with the opportunity to search for matches, but a paid account is required to communicate potential partners.
  • Average Sign Up Time: 5-10 minutes
  • The pricing for paid memberships begins at $12.49 per month for full membership options.

Essential Information Regarding the Website:

  • The most popular Catholic dating service on the entire site
  • Established in 1999; more than twenty years of experience in the sector
  • Supported by a significant number of eminent Catholic leaders

“Catholic singles who are looking for love are going to like Catholic Match. If I had to choose three things that stood out to me most throughout my experience with Catholic Match, they would be the caliber of the singles available, the reasonable cost, and how user-friendly the mobile app was.

The Chief Editor of HealthyFramework is Jason Lee.

“This is one of my favorite applications for dating in the religious community. During my evaluation of Catholic Match, I came across a few interesting things that particularly struck out to me. The fact that the app has the approval of Catholic authorities is perhaps the most noteworthy thing about it, and that’s great news for people who take their faith seriously.

Before we can consider a dating site to have exceptional matches, it must satisfy three requirements. They need to have people of high caliber using the site, as well as a substantial number of those people, and those people need to have been active within the past several days.

During our review of Catholic Match, one of the features that stood out to us as a favorite was the option to search based on a user’s most recent activity on the site. This gives us a quick way to assess the number of potential matches and how recently they’ve been using the platform. What good does it do for an online dating site to have millions of profiles belonging to millions of active people if none of them use the site or if they have already met that one true love?

**Note: A number of people contacted us to let us know they were unable to locate this information on the search functions page. You may restrict your search to just show results from people who have used Catholic Match in the recent time by selecting the “Active With” option, which is accessible by selecting the “miscellaneous” tab and then clicking on the “Active With” button. A screenshot has been provided for your reference in this article.

In order to conclude our review of Catholic Match, we carried out a number of generic searches catering to various age groups, focusing on various geographical regions, and looking for individuals who had been active over the preceding three months. Our searches invariably gave thousands of results for geographical locations that were more expansive, and they returned hundreds of results for geographical areas that were more specific. These are the things that we made sure to look at What does this imply? There are now a significant number of people of Catholic Match who have been active during the past few months.

That satisfies two of the review criteria that we require before we can give them the green light. The quality of the matches in the final is exactly what we require. For us, quality means that the profiles have been completely filled out, images have been uploaded, and it appears as though the potential matches are up to date and interested in finding love. The fact that Catholic Match requires you to fill out sections of your profile before allowing you to view potential matches is one of the service’s strongest things.

This indicates that every profile we came across on there was filled up, and the majority of people had added images and revisited their profiles to actually put some effort into developing them. In terms of quality, the site blew my expectations out of the water, and the faith appeared to include people at various stages of their spiritual development. You don’t need to worry about any of that because it can all be searched through to help you find the particular matches you’re searching for.

Now comes the most exciting part. With the entirely free trial, you are able to judge for yourself whether or not the site is worth your time and money before deciding whether or not to commit to using it. Simply select one of the green links located on this page, and the free trial membership will be added to your account immediately.

How Difficult Is It to Use Catholic Match?

Right from the beginning, one of the things that immediately stood out to us as a highlight regarding Catholic Match was the fact that it is possible to create up for an account using Facebook. Now, I am aware that many of you are probably saying something along the lines of, “Nope. My Facebook account is not going to be linked. The good news is that you don’t have to worry about your friends and family finding out that you’re dating online.

You have full authority over the content that is shown on your profile. Additionally, they will NEVER publish anything on your Facebook wall or anything like. It is just a technique to save you time so that you don’t have to fill out all of the “paperwork” that some other online dating sites need you to do in order to utilize their services.

To become a member of Catholic Match required very little effort and was completed in a very short amount of time. The sign-up procedure was by far the most user-friendly one we’ve come across on any site, and we swear that we don’t say that about all of the sites we review! They keep you updated on how far ahead you are, and the entire process took less than ten minutes to have a profile that was completely created and ready to start matching with people.

They also asked some really interesting and unique questions regarding personal habits and religious inclinations, which we felt were wonderful questions to match someone with and which they asked. They weren’t the typical, boring interview questions that don’t really get to the bottom of who you are or who your possible partners are.

The completion of our profile and the beginning of our search through potential matches took us exactly six minutes. Congratulations to Catholic Match. Bravo.

Getting Around in the Matches

As we continued on with our review of Catholic Match, we continued that we were increasingly satisfied. The profiles are placed in an orderly fashion and contain all of the important information that is nicely structured. There is a tab for appearance information, a faith-specific area, a background section, photos, and a lovely introduction from the match about themselves. The profiles offer a quick view that helps you see things quickly.

The lower third of the profile, meantime.. (They are fairly long vertically at Catholic Match).

The questions Relating to Beliefs

As the screenshot to the faith demonstrates, Catholic Match asks its users a significant number of questions concerning their religious beliefs. Here is a comprehensive list of the questions that you should answer answering and the information that you may view from the matches that you are interested in.

  • Large Numbers Present
  • Considering a Calling in the Religious Community
  • Convert
  • Liturgical Preference
  • Eucharist (Your view on it)
  • Contraception (Your view on it)
  • The Value of Human Life (Your view on it)
  • Papal Infallibility (Your view on it)
  • Premarital Sex (Your view on it)
  • Immaculate Conception (Your view on it)
  • The Sacred Orders (Your view on it)

In addition, they have clearly written out the background questions that you will be required to fill out throughout the sign up process. These are the questions that they were asking you to answer when we performed the most recent update to our Catholic Match review. [Case in time:] You were under no need to answer to any of these questions, but when we looked at the profiles of other users, the vast majority of them were complete. There were still things like this that were connected to the Catholic religion. They also posed questions that were quite a little more fascinating than the majority of the other dating services we’ve used. We believe this to be the only site that has prompted us to answer questions regarding our birth order or the parents we were raised by. Even while none of these factors determine who you are as a person, they may make for intriguing things of conversation, and for some people, they do have an impact on how they choose to go about their daily lives.

  • There is no restriction on who can marry in the Catholic Church
  • Born and Bred By
  • Birth Order

The Optimal Amount of Children

  • Exercise (how often you do it)
  • Eating Out
  • Drinking Habits
  • Television Habits
  • Relocating (are you able to do so, and are you willing to do so?)

The Early Years of Education

• Current Employment Situation

> Reproduce the Human Race

• The Role of Family

• Developed and grew

• Rise and shine or stay up all night

• Diet

• Points of View on Politics

• Smoking Habits

A Relationship that is Maintained at a Distance

  • Education
  • Occupation/Specialty

One thing you’ll notice after going through both of these sets of questions is that Catholic Match gets the “tough” questions out of the way early on in the process. This is done so that you don’t waste time pursuing a match that doesn’t mesh with one of your deal breakers, which is something you’ll notice when going through both of these sets of questions. Don’t want children, and two is the perfect amount for their family? It’s really unlikely that this will turn out well. Is there not anybody who is eager to go to where you are but claims that they are unable to do so? It is possible that it would be most beneficial to attempt with someone who is already located in your region or who is willing to relocate.

They provide you with a ton of various options to search through the matches, including a handful that we had never seen before. They provided a photo collage showcasing all of the recently added photos to the site, each of which could be clicked on to take you directly to the corresponding match.

We had a great deal of pleasure exploring the site because it had a clean layout, things were simple to locate, and there was a lot to look at. Whoever was responsible for designing Catholic Match was knowledgeable about what they were doing and thought about how easy it would be for end users to navigate.

Taking a Look at the User Features of Catholic Match

As long as the features are useful and contribute to the overall mission of the website, which is to help people find love, we are all for them. According to the findings of our Catholic Match review, they performed quite well in the features department. They weren’t flawless, but else they were excellent. Let’s discuss about what we liked and what we didn’t like.

The search of Searching

To begin, the search tool worked really well. Even throughout the trial period, you had free access to search searches using any and all parameters you desired. You could figuratively hone in on the ideal guy or woman for you within the search, and then view just the profiles of results that fit that profile. In addition, Catholic Match enables users to bookmark searches, allowing for easier access to potential matches in the future. If there are various categories of people that you are interested in finding, you may even store multiple searches. (We are unable to conceive of a reason why you would want numerous searches; nonetheless, the capability is available for you to use if you do require it.)

One of the features that would be useful to us is the capability to modify and arrange the search results in real time. You will need to click the back button, make the necessary changes, and then run the search again if you wish to modify anything about your search. On certain online dating platforms, you’ll have the ability to make real-time adjustments to settings via sidebar menus. Even while this is something that we like, it is by no means a deal breaker by any stretch of the imagination; we’re simply choosy. You have the option of sorting your potential matches based on their age, distance, or standard sort, which we feel is based on how well they match your search parameters. The closest location is listed first, and the order of ages begins with the most recent. We are aware that being physically closer to someone is preferable, but who made the decision that being younger is preferable? Yes, it’s possible that our age has caused us to have a sour disposition. Disregard us 🙂

The Wall of Photographs

During the course of our Catholic Match review, one of our favorite features was the picture wall that displayed recently posted photos. This was a picture collage that you would view when you logged in to your member home area. It included all of the most current photos that members in your region had submitted to their photos. It was a really cool way to check out a large number of potential matches in a short amount of time. One piece of advice I have for you while using this is that it took us a split second to figure out how to get to the person’s profile after clicking on their image to see whether we were interested in them. When you click on the photo, the user name and other information about the individual will appear in the upper right corner of the screen. Simply clicking on that will lead you to the comprehensive dating profile of that individual.

The blog of

As you can also see from the screenshot that is shown above, during our review of Catholic Match, we came across a very amazing blog that is geared at single Catholics. Even though you could guess that we are very partial to the fact that our blog is fantastic sauce, you should know that theirs is actually pretty cool as well. Is it possible that one day our blog and their blog will get together, maybe for a drink? Blogs are another medium that require attention and love.

Catholic Match also includes a pretty fascinating component called discussion boards, which may be a fantastic way to start talks or just communicate with other single Catholics. In order for you to take part in the conversation, you will need to have a paid account.

Our review of Catholic Match’s features, on the whole, left us with a positive impression. They had everything you required, but not an excessive amount to the point where it became unnecessary. They zeroed on on the most vital things of the situation and avoided making it more complicated than it needed to be.

A review of the Customer Support Offered by Catholic Match

During the course of our review of Catholic Match, we discovered that the website has a GENEROUS forum where users may seek assistance, which is FANTASTIC to see. We literally just sat about and tried to think of questions that they hadn’t already answered, but we weren’t very successful in this endeavor. In addition to that, they have a community forum in which you may solicit assistance from other members of the site.

On top of everything else, they provide assistance by email as well as a help ticket support option that can be found just off to the side. This is by far the most comprehensive collection of support choices that we’ve ever seen on a site, which is obviously a very encouraging indication. Not only is it helpful if you want assistance, but it also demonstrates that the people who administer the site care about you and want to ensure that you have a positive experience with the platform.

You can also contact (800) 960-6057 or send letter to Catholic Match at PO Box 154 Zelienople, Pennsylvania 16063, United States.

Because it seems like they have everything covered, it’s difficult to come up with any recommendations that will assist them enhance their help sections.

Cost | How much does it cost to sign up for Catholic Match?

Now that you’ve made it through the most of the Catholic Match review, you’re undoubtedly curious about the financial commitment that will be required of you in order to participate in the action. The site has a pricing model that is comparable to those of other major players in the online dating business. They enable you to create a free account and give you unlimited access to search through potential matches. You will need to subscribe to one of their premium plans, though, if you wish to communicate with a user that you have shown interest in.

  • Membership Types, Durations, and Costs
  • One month of Premium Membership is $29.99 USD each month
  • Premium Membership is $14.99 per month for the first six months.
  • The Premium Membership is valid for a year and costs $9.99 each month.

Check out the Catholic Match cost guide if you’re interested in seeing a more comprehensive breakdown. In the next section, we will discuss the various types of memberships, as well as the cost, the benefits, and the Catholic Match Guarantee (and how you can get it).

Alternatives to Catholic match Services

You’ve probably read about all of the features and benefits that Catholic Match provides its users by this point, but perhaps you’re still unsure as to whether or not this is the most effective dating app for finding Catholic singles online. In this part of the article, we will look at some different options in order to assist you in making a decision.

• eHarmony is a dating app that has been responsible for a significant number of faith-based marriages; as a result, many people mistakenly believe it to be a Christian dating app. Although it is not just a Catholic dating app, eHarmony is our top suggestion for Catholic singles since it has a proven track record of helping people find meaningful relationships, and it also allows users to easily filter prospective matches based on their religious affiliation.

Higher Bond — Higher Bond is a brand-new faith-based mobile dating app that has immediately garnered the attention of our review team. In contrast to eHarmony, this dating service is solely devoted to serious Christian singles looking for long-term relationships. It uses an innovative matching questionnaire to assist users in discovering whether or not they are truly compatible with one another. This is a wonderful new app for discovering Catholic singles who are as passionate about their faith as you are. Users of the app come from a wide variety of Christian denominations and subsects.

• Christian Mingle – Does the Catholic Church Encourage Its Members to Join Christian Mingle? Absolutely! Christian Mingle is the most popular dating app for religious singles, and a sizeable portion of its user base is comprised of actively practicing members of the Catholic faith. On Christian Mingle, as a member, you will have the ability to choose from among these several possibilities in order to limit your search and locate the Catholic partner of your dreams….

  • The Roman Catholic Church
  • Traditional Roman Catholic
  • Catholic in the sense of tradition
  • The Authentic Catholic Faith
  • Catholic Chemistry is a site that is owned, run, and produced by Catholics who are actively involved in their faith. There is undoubtedly a lot to appreciate about the site, including its clean and contemporary appearance; nevertheless, despite the fact that it is on our radar, we do not consider it to be a suitable option for Catholic dating (at least for now). The fact that the userbase is significantly lower compared to those of the other accessible alternatives is the primary reason for this.

If you are interested in learning more, we suggest that you read our article on the most popular Catholic dating apps. This article takes an in-depth look at which dating apps are ideal for Catholic singles and explains why they are the best. In addition to this, it will provide you with an all-encompassing perspective on the industry by contrasting the websites described above with mainstream dating apps as well as other specialized faith-based dating platforms such as Catholic Friends Date, Ave Maria Singles, and Catholic Mates.

Frequently Asked Questions | Answers to Your Concerns Regarding Catholic Match

You have questions? We have the answers! This review of is going to come to a close with many questions that are frequently asked by users such as yourself:

How Many Single People Are There to Choose From on Catholic Match?

Over one million users have already signed up for Catholic Match. Because this statement was made by the company in 2013, our team has reason to assume that the number of users actively using Catholic Match in 2022 may be more than twice as active.

Is There a Catholic Dating App That I Can Use?

There most certainly is! Today, the Catholic Match app is available for download from Google Play as well as the App Store. It is also important to note that even if you choose not to download the Catholic Match app, you can still use the website because it is optimized for mobile use and will function properly on the vast majority of mobile devices.

On Catholic Match, is the number of men or women more prevalent?

On Catholic Match, the proportion of men to women stays quite close to a 50/50 split most of the time. You can’t top that, can you?

How long has it been since Catholic Match first opened its doors?

Although has only been around since 2004, our team has been successfully pairing up Catholic singles online since the year 1999. At first, it all began with co-founders Brian Barcaro and Jason LaFosse having a conversation about the challenges of Catholic dating while attending a church picnic. They quickly established, which in 2004 was merged with CatholicMatch and brought 2,000 of its active members over to the new platform. Since then, the company has had phenomenal growth, reaching one million customers in the year 2013.

Is It Possible to Send Messages for Free on

At this time, you are unable to. Free members are allowed to receive messages from premium users 10 days after they are sent owing to a new communications update but to reply you will have to increase your subscription. This assists users of the free trial in determining whether or not it is worthwhile to pay for Catholic Match.

Which Features Are Available to Users of the Free Version of Catholic Match?

At the time of writing this Catholic Match review, free users had the ability to create a profile, upload images, view the profiles and photos of other members, receive messages from paid users, and explore the full site interface. This is something that has been known to change on a number of occasions. Check out the Catholic Match Free Trial Page if you want further information on this.

You weren’t able to locate what you were looking for, were you? Sorry about that. We would be delighted to hear from you and provide the answers to any questions you may have with Catholic Match. By responding to your questions, you are assisting us in keeping our Catholic Match review up to date and ensuring that it is the most helpful resource possible for visitors in the future.

Like what you’ve seen in our Catholic Match review? Awesome!

Why not give the free trial a chance if you’re ready to get started searching for Catholic singles in your area? It’s a risk-free method to find out if this Catholic dating site has the type of people you’re interested in meeting. Create an account, search through the profiles of other Catholic singles, and if you ultimately decide that this dating scene is not for you, you may cancel your membership.

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